Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Odds 'n Ends

I love when random bits of dialogue and scenes pop into my mind. They are usually unrelated to my current draft or any of the books I have outlined thus far. That's a little scary as it potential adds a book to the series. But really, I love that, too. Perhaps I'll eventually grow tired of living space adventures through my characters, but not in the near future.

For now, I'm filing these random strokes of genesis away. Most of them won't make it to book length. But they'll make dandy short story spin-offs to the series.

~S.E. Sawyer

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Beginning

Nearly 12,000 words written so far in the first draft of Almost Right, book 1 in my LIGHT series. I've loved meeting all the characters and getting to know them along with Jael. They're all so different with their own secrets, fears, and quirks. Some are downright cool, some make me a little sad for them and their pain.

I felt inspired to write this post when I looked at my outline one last time before going to bed. Just a few scenes until the Galactic Eagle reaches planet UNP 162. Not much time to pause for air once we land on the surface.

I'm excited.

~S.E. Sawyer