Monday, October 10, 2011

The Journey Continues

Three bits of news to share.

1. My best friend's grandmother passed away this morning. I grieve, but thank the Lord she is with Him and no longer in the pains of this world. She lived with rheumatoid arthritis for over sixty years, yet I can't recall a time when she complained. We love you, Mrs. Cuddy. See you soon!

2. I am preparing for NaNoWriMo with book 2, For Never and Always. Having some spare time (haha) I got creative and made a banner for the first time. What do you think?

3. Minutes ago, I sent off Almost Right to the Novel Rocket contest. Winners announced on November 14th. No, I'm not anxious. Yet.

S.E. Sawyer


Lynda Kay Sawyer said...

#3 ~ Woohoo!

Sarah Elisabeth said...

:-) It was a good experience-forced me to practice writing a synopsis.